Monday, August 27, 2012

Away We Go

Today is the day.  I wish I had some deep thought to share on this crazy experience, But all I have is a heart full of thanksgiving.

The past few weeks have been an incredible time to spend with family and friends.  God has richly blessed me, and I am so amazed at His goodness and his provision.  I think all that I have to say is this, God is good and Jesus is enough.  Love to you all and will post when I get there!

by grace

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Wise Mr. Beaver

"Who said anything about safe? Course he isn't safe.  But he's good."
                                                                              -Mr. Beaver, The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

I promise, not all of my post will be about Narnia. 

Over the past few days, I have been struggling with some anxiety.  Not about what I am doing, but just the logistics of it all.  I am a planner, organizer, question asker, and in general do not just jump into things. So the task of moving half a world away, is a bit daunting.  Add my absolute hatred of packing into the mix and it is easy to see why I have woken up in the middle of the night with my head spinning and my heart racing. It is so easy to get caught up in "the planning" or "the stuff" I need to get done, or feel like I need to get done that I can miss the beauty of this phase in my life, and the security in the quote from Mr. Beaver, "Who said anything about safe? Course he isn't safe, But he's good."

Today, I am taking a breath.   As crazy as my life is, and as fleeting as the next few weeks are going to be, today I am resting in the beautiful truth, that God is good and Jesus is enough.  I am not cramming everything I own into 6 suitcases in pursuit of some meaningless worldly thing.  I am not rushing to see people and spend time with them because I am leaving.  Instead I am preparing for the opportunity to serve alongside the God of the universe as He reveals himself to his children in another land.  I get to eat dinner with, laugh, and remember all of the people that God has put in my life so far and the blessing that they have been.  I am rejoicing in the love of so many and the hope of what is to come. 

I know that the future is uncertain, but I know that HE is GOOD.

by grace and with much love,